Q: What is the Las Colinas Association?
A: The Association is a Texas nonprofit corporation that serves as the permanent property owners association for all deed restricted residential and commercial properties in Las Colinas.

Q: How is the Association funded?

A: The Association is supported by over 8,000 members through annual assessments.

Q: What benefits do members of the Association receive?

A: All Association members receive five distinct services which work together to maintain the overall integrity, aesthetics, and harmony of the deed restricted properties and common areas in Las Colinas. These services are:

  • Architectural Control & Plan Review
  • Common Property Maintenance
  • Alarm Monitoring and Patrol
  • Community Relations
  • Administrative Services

Q: How is the Association governed?

A: The Association is governed by a volunteer, seven-member board of directors who serve in staggered terms. All directors are elected by the Association membership. Elections are held annually and are based upon the number of seats available that year. For more details, please review the Association’s bylaws.

Q: How and when was Las Colinas developed?
A: Las Colinas was founded by Ben H. Carpenter in 1973. Carpenter, a local businessman, rancher, and entrepreneur, incorporated his family´s Hackberry Creek Ranch into the new development that would be known as Las Colinas. Mr. Carpenter announced the development using a master-planned concept and utilizing the insight and services of some of the nation´s most highly respected architects and developers.

Q: Is Las Colinas its own city?
A: No. Las Colinas is a business and residential master-planned community within the city of Irving and not a separate municipality.

Q: How do I join the Las Colinas Association?
A: All individuals or entities who purchase deed restricted property in Las Colinas automatically become members of the Association.

Q: How is the assessment rate set each year?
A: The assessment rate is set by the board of directors after determining the amount of money that will be needed by the Association for the following year´s expenses.

Q: How is the annual assessment calculated?
A: The annual assessment rate is $0.115 per each $100 of the previous year´s assessed market value of a property as determined by the Dallas Central Appraisal District.

Q: When are LCA Annual Assessments due?
A: LCA Annual Assessments are due on July 1st of each year. The assessment covers expenses for the calendar year: January – December.

Architectural Control / Property Compliance FAQ’s

Q: Why is the Las Colinas Association a property or sign policing agency?
A: As part of the Master Declaration that was created when Las Colinas was originally formed, the Association was established as the permanent property owners’ association for the entire development. As such, one of the most important functions of the Association is to enforce the covenants and deed restrictions applicable to this Declaration. The result of the adherence to Mr. Carpenter´s original vision of a community of “unrivaled beauty and aesthetics” is adherence to rigid and uniform standards which requires that all property owners maintain their grounds and buildings (as set forth in the Declaration). When properties fall into disrepair or are out of compliance, the value of surrounding properties as well as all properties in Las Colinas is compromised. By enforcing uniform high standards, the Association ensures that all property owners will enjoy the same high quality of life and ongoing beauty of their master-planned community.

Q: Are Las Colinas and the City of Irving permits based on the same criteria?
A: Approval of one does not constitute approval by the other. They are two separate processes.


Security FAQ’s

Q: Can the Association repair my alarm system?
A: No. The Association is licensed by the State of Texas and is UL-certified for alarm monitoring only. You may enlist the services of any licensed alarm company for needed repairs.

Q: Can patrol personnel conduct parking lot patrols or escorts?
We currently do not provide private property patrols or escorts. Patrol drives the general areas of the development and only enters private property when responding to call.

Q: How much does it cost monthly for alarm monitoring?

A: Monitoring is an assessment benefit, and there is no additional monthly cost for property owners or their tenants. However, you must register your alarm for monitoring and ensure that your system meets the Association´s technical specifications. Technical specifications are available through a link on our webpage.

Q: Does the Association only monitor “burglar” alarms?
A: No. The Association monitors burglar, fire, panic, medical and various trouble or supervisory signals.

Q: What hours is Dispatch available?
A: The Association´s Central Station always has two dispatchers on duty at all times (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays).