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National Emergency PreparednessSeptember is National Preparedness Month and is recognized to promote family and community disaster planning. As our nation continues to respond to COVID-19, there is no better time to begin your preparedness plan. The City of Irving has an emergency preparedness booklet on their website customized just for Irving residents and potential emergencies they may face. This year, National Preparedness Month focused on four things you can do to help navigate potential emergencies.

Make a plan

Sit down with your family and discuss or create an emergency plan. First, you’ll need to know what emergencies could affect your area. North Texas is prone to tornadoes, severe storms, heat and flooding. Don’t forget to create a fire evacuation plan too. Remember to sign up for the City of Irving’s alert system to know when weather watches and warnings are issued. It is also recommended that your family makes a plan of how you all will reconnect if you’re separated and establish a family meeting place that is easy to find and familiar. Pets are part of the family too, make sure they are included in your plans.

Build a kit

After or during an emergency you may need to survive on your own for a few days. A disaster supply kit consists of the basic items your family would need to get by.

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

In the Spring of 2020, the Centers for Disease Control began recommending that people include additional items in their kits to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, other viruses and the flu. These items include:

It’s also recommended to have an emergency kit in your vehicle. This kit could include:

Prepare for disasters

To limit the impacts that disasters have  your family, know the risk of disasters in your area and check your insurance coverage. It is also recommended that you learn how to make your home stronger in the face of storms and other common hazards and act fast if you receive a local warning or alert. Rehearse your evacuation plan and remind everyone of where the family meeting spot is.

Teach your kids about preparedness

Teach your kids about emergencies, what to do if the family gets separated and how to prepare. The National Preparedness Month website has plenty of exercises and tools for both teens and young kids to teach them about emergency preparedness.

For more information visit ready.gov and The City of Irving’s Office of Emergency Management webpage.